above is LOGO
Easily Understood
Videos that explain Swiss rules and culture fast and simple.
above is LOGO
Videos that explain Swiss rules and culture fast and simple.
The same video and quiz can be utilized millions of times and only need to be financed once to create or updated once if the Federal/Cantonal Law changes.
Students receive points for completing classes. Points can be used to receive prizes.
Multiple Filmmakers and contributors can operate on the same platform to solve specific local needs and create #SocialImpact.
Through individual login information, progress can be tracked by students as well as video creators.
Available on Apple App Store and Google Play Coming Soon.
(Please note this is currently a prototype/pilot, the app and recycling video may not be yet available. Subscribe for the official release.)
Click for the April 22nd full article: Zürich Pokemon GO Earth Day CleanUp was a Success!
Click for the May 9th full article: May Pokemon Go Clean Up Retrospect!
Thanks to Co-Organizer: Daniel “Rocco” Benedetto
Early testers can add and take classes Extra points are awarded to testers and exchanged for rewards.
Can be utilized in Every City and Town Open classes can be openly utilized by local, cantonal and federal levels.
A the beginning we are adding only virtual prizes. We are interested in partnering with companies to offer coupons and discounts as rewards as well.
The platform is 100% free to use, donators will receive in-app currency to exchange for prizes. Companies can advertise in exchange for sponsorship of the app.